What Happens When Your Float Therapy Center Is Voted Best Spa in Richmond, Virginia?

The first thing you do is smile. Then reflect.  Then celebrate.  Once a year, RVA’s Style Weekly, polls the community for their best choices in a number of categories - from food and drink to nightlife, people, places, arts, culture, goods and services.  The Float Zone, Richmond’s premiere floatation location, took home honorable mention in the category of Best Spa for 2021.  As many know, there are dozens of spas in the greater RVA region, and it is quite humbling to receive any top tier recognition.  We see it as a sign of the times.  We are smiling.

While The Float Zone is no stranger to winning Best of Richmond awards and being featured in magazines and radio, this particular accolade is worth mentioning because it brings attention to the 800 pound gorilla in the room: mental well-being.   You know what this means, as it is hard to escape daily stressors and anxiety in our sea of daily societal activity. Some of us fake it better than others.  Some struggle just to get through the day.  Most don’t have the tools or services that offer positive, predictable, and lasting results.  Like float therapy. At a float spa. Because more than anything, floating improves your mental state.

Floating hacks the nervous system in ways that a pedicure, massage or facial cannot replicate. Floating allows for a purposeful pause, to slow life down and to instill chill. Floating allows the brain to rewire. It allows for better sleep, and as a result of stimulating less cortisol and adrenaline, while also stimulating more hormones of serenity such as serotonin and dopamine, your immune system is enhanced.  

An award for cleanliness and sanitation? Sort of. The Float Zone is the epitome of sanitation and social distancing.  The facility is constantly being cleaned, the water in the tanks is ultra filtered before and after each float, and you are in your own private room where nobody is touching you, talking to you, or having any expectations of you.  It is just you, floating face up, effortlessly, in a clean, safe, quiet environment - unplugged from the world for an hour.  How unique from other spa experiences. Who doesn’t need that today?

This “Best of Richmond” award signifies that The Float Zone is presently playing an important part in Richmond Virginia’s mental (and physical) wellness, through a consistent and customer service based dedication to float therapy.  You will find four float tanks, each one identical to the other, in their own private room with beautiful showers and all the amenities you may need for your experience. You will also find a dedicated refresh room and post float lounge to continue the deep relaxation. 

We are thankful that our float therapy offerings have found the hearts and minds of those in RVA and hope that this is an example for others to seek out and try float therapy as part of a healthy lifestyle. Much gratitude for all who voted in Style Weekly’s 2021 contest. Please help us celebrate The Float Zone’s recognition and share the benefits of floating with others in your community!

For more information on float therapy, please visit www.myfloatzone.com or contact author Dr. David Berv at david@myfloatzone.com