Case Study #2 - Floating to Mitigate Lingering Effects of Traumatic Brain Injury

Floatation Therapy Shows Promise for Brain Injury

Traumatic brain injury is a significant disability not limited to any specific demographic. Identification and treatment for traumatic brain injury ("TBI") and concussion is currently in a state of development and awareness. Regardless of the increasing awareness of TBI, we are just beginning to understand the depths of the brain and how to repair it. 

In my growing expertise in the floatation therapy world, I am noticing that many are seeking out floatation as a way to leverage their healing process. Being a float center owner with a chiropractic background studying the brain and central nervous system, I have come to analyze floating through a neuro-musculo-skeletal lens. This perspective has opened up a window in my mind as to a whole new world of possibility for those suffering with the effects of mild TBI and TBI. From my work at The Float Zone, I have found that floating appears to complement any therapeutic mind/body approach to addressing TBI.

As first introduced in the initial post about the subject, numerous TBI case studies are being conducted at The Float Zone, which take into account physical, emotional, neurological and psychological aspects of individuals currently coping with traumatic brain injury of various duration and disability. 

In the second such TBI case study, the subject is a 39 year-old female dentist with a moderate-severe traumatic brain injury following a major motor vehicle accident 14 months prior. Symptoms include fatigue, brain fog, confusion, depression, anxiety, sleep disturbance, headaches and other, directly related to her brain injury. She has not found any treatment or combinations of treatment that have been remarkably helpful. The case study examines the effect of floatation therapy upon various physical, emotional, neurological and psychological aspects. The results of this case study contains encouraging examples that floating both by itself or in combination with other therapies and lifestyle modifications, can improve the quality of life and functional capability for those with TBI and concussions.

Click to read the Case Study Abstract or contact the author, Dr. David Berv, for more information on floating and concussion/TBI, including the full results of this TBI case study.

To learn more about other TBI and pain case studies, visit our Case Study results page.