The Float Zone

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Can floating improve vision?

Both metaphorically and literally, having good vision is of paramount importance to an enjoyable life.  Troubled vision is always cause for concern and is a sign that something deeper is happening.  For many, that deeper issue has more to do with stress and anxiety than actual physical changes in the eye that degrade your eye structures. Managing stress and anxiety can then be the key to improving your vision.  Float therapy has a profound impact on both stress and anxiety. Floating may improve your vision.

When we are chronically stressed and anxious, our bodies get stuck in a vicious feedback loop.  Hormones of “fight or flight” when stuck in overdrive, exhaust the body through excess adrenaline and cortisol production.  Our sleep is affected.  Our immunity is affected.  Body systems are affected. Even the vascularity of the eye can be affected.  All of this can cause a wide variety of mystery symptoms on the body. 

It is frustrating to get stress and anxiety induced eye twitches, tunnel vision, sensitivity to light or eye floaters - those tiny spots that swim across your vision. Eye strain is an extremely common side effect of stress and anxiety.  Just like any other muscle in the body, the eyes have muscles that move them around.  Eye muscles can fatigue and reduce their adaptability to close and far range vision.  Reducing eye strain can improve your vision. Here is a link to a 1 minute video on how to reduce eye strain while also reducing mind chatter while floating by using certain eye movements in the darkness:

Inside a float tank, you float effortlessly in 10” of skin temperature water, saturated with 1000 pounds of Epsom salt. You defy gravity and limit other sensory input such as sound and light (this is why floating is nicknamed sensory deprivation). Considering ways to relax, float therapy tops the list, while also serving as a gateway to better vision. Floating is like relaxation on steroids. The brain likes it and rewards you for it. The nervous system becomes less reactive - and when the nervous system relaxes, muscles relax, including the muscles of the eyes. As a bonus, in addition to improving your vision, floating may also give way to new and positive visions of hope, comfort, compassion, happiness and love.