The Float Zone

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Boosting Immunity with Float Therapy

Our immune system is an amazing and intricate network that defends us against infection. For some, the immune system functions efficiently. For many, there is a level of unpredictability that changes with the seasons and with stressful situations. Our immune system is highly influenced by what and how we think, feel, move, breathe, eat and drink. Unfortunately, we are all presently living in a time of heightened societal stress. High stress affects sleep. Poor sleeps affect healing, repair, and perpetuates chronic pain, anxiety and depression. One potent way to improve your immunity is to float in a float tank.

Floating deeply relaxes the nervous system. The reduction of sensory input by floating effortlessly in skin temperature water (defying gravity), coupled with silence and darkness (not required, but available), allows the brain to enter a different brainwave state, similar to the stage just before sleep - the theta state. This is a highly restorative state of mind that triggers nerve pathways which calm our brain’s fear centers. Floating is like kryptonite to fear and stress.

The effects of promoting this “rest and digest” state (vs. fight or flight), are widespread, as floating impacts hormone levels. Cortisol and epinephrine ( adrenaline) are reduced. Reduced cortisol results in less stress, better digestion, clearer thought, less anxiety, and of course, improved immunity, as the opposite effect happens when cortisol is high. Thankfully, floating also increases hormones of serenity, such as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.

Another nice side effect of floating is that you absorb some of the 1000 pounds of Magnesium ( Epsom salt is Magnesium Sulphate) that is dissolved in the 175 gallons of water. Generally speaking as a society, we are deficient in Magnesium, which influences cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, digestive and neurologic health. Magnesium boosts the immune system and is very anti -inflammatory. This is another reason why floating acts as an anti-inflammatory agent to assist your immunity.

All of the above leads to why floating is also a research proven way to improve sleep. Sleep helps everything. A good nights sleep and keeping a good sleep routine is crucial to a robust immune system. Stress, fatigue, pain and health issues are common disruptors of sleep. A sound sleep for many days after a float is common and becomes more pronounced with regular floats.

There are many reasons why floating boosts immunity. These are just a few. Especially during crises and pandemics, our immunity suffers. Do everything you can to improve your immune system. Eat well, drink plenty of water, exercise regularly, and float often.

Author Dr. David Berv can be reached at